0000  Purposes-Goals-Objectives

0000 Eastford School Philosophy

0050 Code of Ethics

0100 Mission Statement Motto

0200 Goals for Operation of Eastford School

1000  Community Relations

1000 Concept and Roles in Community Relations

1080 Policy Regarding Automatic External Defibrillators

1080 AED Regulations

1100 Non-Discrimination

1110 Communications with Public

1111 Communications Parents

1112 News Media

1120 Public Participation in Board of Education Meetings.doc

1140 Distribution of Materials

1212 School Volunteers Student Interns and Other Non Employees

1250 School Visitors and Observations

1321 Public Performances by Students

1325 Advertising and Promotion

1331 Prohibition Against Smoking

1600 Possession of Deadly Weapons or Firearms

1610 Pesticide Application on School Property policy

1610 Pesticide Application on School Property regulations

1610 Integrated Pest Management Plan 2024

1700 Security and Safety Plan

1700 Security and Safety Plan Regulation

1710 Sexual Offenders on School Property

Following is a link to the Connecticut Department of Public Safety’s sexual offender registry:


1720 Use of School Facilities

2000  Administration

2140 Superintendent of Schools

2141 Recruitment and Election of Superintendent

2150 Principals and Other Administrators

2231 Policy Manual

2260 Retention and Disposition of Records and Information

2400 Evaluation of Administrators and Administration

2500 Administrative Reports

3000    Business and Non-Instructional Operations

3150 Board Budget Procedures and Line Item Transfers

3200 Special Education IDEA Fiscal Compliance policy

3200 Special Education IDEA Fiscal Compliance Regulations

3231 Medical Reimbursement for Special Ed Students

3240 Tuition Fees

3250 Student Materials Fees

3260 Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Equipment or Materials

3280 Gifts Grants Bequests Fund-Raising

3313 Relations with Vendors

3320 Purchasing

3326.1 Paying for Goods and Services: Payroll

3330 Code of Conduct for Procurements under a Federal Award

3400 Before & After School Program

3434 Periodic Audit

3440 Inventories

3450 Depository

3454 Money in School Buildings

3458 School Activity Funds

3510 Operation and Maintenance of Plant

3514 Use of School equipment and property

3516 Safety

3518 Accident Prevention and Reporting

3524 Hazardous Materials

3524.2 Green Cleaning Policy

3524.2 Green Cleaning Regulation

Approved Green Cleaning Products

3532 Insurance

3534 Employee Officer Bonds

4000    Personnel

4110 Hiring of Certified Staff

4112 Increasing Educator Diversity Plan

4112.5 4212.5 Employment and Student Teacher Checks

4112.51 4212.51 Regulations Criminal Justice Information

4113 Negotiated Agreements

4115 Personnel Records

4116 4216 Nepotism

4117 Job Descriptions

4117.6 Exit Survey

4118.1 4218.1 Employee Use of the District’s Computer Systems

4118.1/4218.1 Notice Regarding Electronic Monitoring

4118.51 4228.51 Social Media Policy

4118.51 4228.51 Social Media Regulations

4119 4219 Supervision and Evaluation

4119.1 Coach Eval

4119.2 Concussion Management and Training for Athletic Coaches

4119.3 Emergency Action Plan for Athletic Events

4119.4 Exertional Heat Illness Awareness

4120 4220 Staff Complaints and Concerns

4121 Certified-Non-Certified Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness For Intramural And Interscholastic Athletics

4122 Nonrenewal Suspension

4123 4223 Termination of Employment

4124 Academic Freedom

4125 4225 Non-Discrimination

4126 4226 Prohibition of Sex Discrimination Including Sex-Based Harassment

4127 4227 Disabilities 504 and ADA

4129 4229 Alcohol Tobacco and Drug free Workplace

4130 Duties of Personnel

4131 Temporary and Part-Time Personnel

4132 Substitute Teachers

4133 Student Teachers

4134 Consultants

4135 Staff Development

4136 Prohibition on Recommendations for Psychotropic Drugs

4138 Tutoring

4139 4239 Non-School Employment

4140 Organizations and Units

4146 4246 Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault Reporting

4146.1 4246.1 Child Abuse personnel abuse or neglect of disabled adults

4148 4248 Employee Protection

4149 4249 Employee Safety

4150 4250 Personnel Bloodborne Pathogens Regulations

4152 4252 FMLA

4210 Hiring of Non-certified Staff

4218 Assignment and Transfer

4221 Grounds for Employee Discipline

5000    Students

5000 Non-Discrimination

5105 Admission to the Public Schools At or Before Age Five

5100 Soliciting Funds From and By Students Policy and Regulations

5110 Meal Charging Policy

5115 Student Attendance, Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism

5116 Student Discipline

5117 Secondary School Attendance

5118 Non Resident Students

5119 Recess and Play-Based Learning

5120 Homeless Children and Youth

5123 Promotion Acceleration Retention

5125 Confidentiality and Access to Student Education Records FERPA

5130 Field Trips

5131.1 Transportation policy and regulations

5131.15 Education Stability Procedures

5131.2 Student Dress Code

5131.81 Use of Private Technology Devices by Students

5131.82 Student Use of the District’s Computer Systems

5131.911 Bullying Prevention and Intervention

5135 Drug and Alcohol Use by Students

5137 Chemical Health for Student Athletes

5140 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

5141.25 Food Allergies Glycogen Storage Disease and or Diabetes

5142 Student Health Services Assessments and Immunizations

5144 Administration of Student Medications in School

5144.1 Student Restraint and Seclusion

5145 Application of Sunscreen Policy and Regulation

5146 Child Abuse and Assault

5147 Suicide Prevention and Intervention

5149 Search and Seizure

5151.1 Pledge of Allegiance

5152 Prohibition of Sex Discrimination Including Sex-Based Harassment

5157 Student Privacy

6000    Instruction

     Elementary and Secondary

6115 Fire Emergencies

6116 Parent Teacher Communication

6142.101 Wellness Policy including attachments

6148 Extra Class Activities

6149 Interscholastic Athletics

6150 Student Publications

6151 Student Government, Organizations and Associations

6158 Homework

6159 Individualized Education Program Special Education Program

6159.1 Legal and Fiscal Responsibility for Children Placed in Certain Hospitals without Local Education Agency Prior Approval

6159.2 Instruction IDEA Alternative Assessments

6160 Release Time

6161 Equipment Books Materials Provision Selection

6164 Care of Instructional Materials

6164 Care of Instructional Materials Regulation

6164 Care of Instructional Materials form

6167 Use of Copying Devices

6167 Use of Copying Devices Regulation

6169 Live Animals in the Classroom

6170 Individual Services and Diagnostic Counseling

6171 Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol

6172 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

6172.4 Title I Parent Involvement

6173 Parental Access To Instructional Material

6174 Identification of Special Needs and Abilities

6176 Equitable Identification of Gifted and Talented Students

6177 Enrollment in an Advanced Course or Program and Challenging Curriculum

6179 Homebound Instruction

6180 Parent Instruction of Children at Home policy and regulations

6180 Parent Instruction of Children at Home Forms

6181 Evaluation of the Instructional Program

6182 Evaluation of Special Education Program

9000    Board of Education Bylaws

Role of Board and Members (Powers, Purposes, Duties)

9000 Bylaw Role of Board and Members


9121.1 Bylaw Official Duties Chairperson

9121.2 Bylaw Official Duties Vice Chairperson

9121.3 Bylaw Official Duties Secretary

9131 Bylaw Transaction of Business

9133 Bylaw Committees

9141 Bylaw Appointment of Representatives to Woodstock Academy Board of Trustees


9220 Bylaw Oath of Office

9221 Bylaw Filling Vacancies on the Board

9222 Bylaw Removal of Board Officers

9230 Bylaw Orientation of Board Members

9250 Bylaw Reimbursement of Board Members Expenses

9270 Bylaw Conflict of Interest

9271 Bylaw Code of Conduct For Board Members

Methods of Operation

9311 Bylaw Formulation Adoption Amendment or Deletion of Policies

9312 Bylaw Formulation Adoption Amendment or Deletion of Bylaws

9313 Bylaw Formulation Adoption Amendment or Deletion of Administrative Regulations

9314 Bylaw Suspension of Policies Bylaws and Regulations

9321 Bylaw Time Place and Notice of Meetings

9322 Bylaw Public Meetings and Executive Session

9323 Bylaw Construction and Posting of Agenda

9324 Bylaw Meeting Conduct

9325 Bylaw Quorum and Voting Procedures

9326 Bylaw Order of Business

9327 Bylaw Minutes